the details

I'm pretty busy—I mom, I knit, I sew, and of course, I like cheese

Thank you for stopping by the blog of ButterbirdsHandmade. I'm Robin Avila—AKA honeypumpkin, butterbird, mama (um and poodle-pants if you talk to my husband). This blog is my place to share things that I make, love and do... and well everything in between. I love to create. I am not happy unless I have at least 10 projects going on. It's just how I roll. I spend my spare time knitting, sewing, designing, and planning to knit, sew or design.

I'm married to my soul mate (man of my dreams), and we have a wonderful (amazing, magical, brilliant, handsome, perfect) son– whom you will see often, as I just can't stop taking pictures of him. He actually has his own "blog" so stop by if you're so inclined.

In "real" life, I am a graphic designer and typesetter, working in the publication field. I have been designing and typesetting for 10 years, and it's allowed me to pursue so many things I never would have thought possible. Like ButterbirdsHandmade.

ButterbirdsHandmade is a collection of essential garments—for play, for fun, for life. I am inspired by the children my son plays with and their amazing imaginations. I wanted to provide props for this, and so Butterbirds was born.

I am branching out and have been working on my first "adult" collection, inspired by my mommy friends here in Austin. These moms always seem so well put together—with their simple, yet elegant, tops and bottoms. I hope to have essential items in this vein available by summer.

If you have any questions, requests or just want to say Hi - drop me an email.

Please do not use my photos or reprint my writing without asking me for permission. Please be respectful.

Oh, and if you want to make my day, (month, year!) please leave me a comment… I would just love to meet you and hear what you have to say. I really appreciate each and every comment that I receive.

Thanks for visiting!

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